On April 30, at 12:00 – 1:30 Central, Proskauer will participate in a webinar through BNA with leaders from the SEC, CTFC and OSHA whistleblower programs and a plaintiffs’-side whistleblower attorney. The webinar will focus on cutting-edge developments in the Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank whistleblower arenas. The program, which will provide a range of competing perspectives, comes at an important point in time, as employee whistleblower retaliation claims under a spectrum of laws are on the rise and whistleblowers now have a significant financial incentive to lodge reports through the SEC and CFTC bounty programs.
Sean X. McKessy – Chief of the SEC Office of the Whistleblower
Christopher Ehrman – Director of the Whistleblower Office, CFTC
Anthony Rosa – U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (Acting Deputy Director for Whistleblower Protection Programs)
Steven J. Pearlman – Partner, co-Head of Proskauer’s Whistleblower & Retaliation Practice Group
Jason Zuckerman – Zuckerman Law (Principal)
To register, click here, and please contact your Proskauer attorney for information regarding available discounts for this BNA webinar.